Thursday, June 27, 2013

Iedie's story

I promised to share some of the amazing stories and miracles I got to experience in Zambia... I am being a little bit stingy and keeping a few of the stories in my heart but here is one that I really liked. 

The first afternoon we arrived at Base camp I had the pleasure of meeting an amazing mother-daughter team from the states. Lysa, the daughter of Iedie was practically bursting at the seams to share her mother's amazing story with us. Lysa and Iedie's team had just gotten back from their excursion  out at the bush and were so excited to share not only the stories about the bush but also the story of how Iedie was healed. 

    Iedie and Lysa had come to Africa together to stretch their faith and experience first hand the wonders of Africa they had only heard about from others' stories. Little did they know that they would be in the front row seats to a healing of their own. A few years ago Iedie was in a horrible car accident that hindered her ability to walk. She also lost a couple inches of bone in one of her legs causing her to have to wear a prosthetic shoe that had enough lift to make both of her legs even. She constantly need help standing up, walking, and even used the microphone as a crutch when she sang at church.
   On their way out to the bush Iedie and Lysa were separated shortly from the group. They decided to ask someone to pray over Iedie's foot and leg. Immediately after receiving prayer Iedie's leg was not only restored but she also discovered that her prosthetic didn't fit anymore. She had to borrow someone else's shoes because her leg grew to exactly the same length as the other one. 
   It sounds hard to believe, yes? Well just know that I started you out with an easy story. The stories just get more and more incredible and unbelievable. I saw Iedie after her healing and she was so FULL of joy. She was walking all by herself and was able to keep up with her team while going hut to hut in the villages. Everywhere she went she told everyone of the work the Holy Spirit did in her body and how amazing our God is in every situation, believable or unbelievable. 

" And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; The Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned he will be forgiven." James 5:15

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hello from Zambia!!!!!!

Hello from Zambia!!!

I finally have some internet access so I will do my best to fill in a little bit of what has been going on these past two weeks!! It has been such an amazing journey and so fun to just allow God to orchestrate this trip. 

   Right now I am with Teresa Rizzo in Kitwe, Zambia at an adorable little Franciscan Friars retreat. We are working at lifesong for orphans ( more on that later). But let's back up to when we first arrived in Zambia and what we have done thus far.
     We arrived in Zambia on June 11.You should have seen us all coming out of the airport. There were 20 of us traveling and we had 60 pieces of luggage ranging anywhere from a small suitcase to a freezer to a bushwhacker. These were all things that the money raised helped to purchase for Overland Missions. We were met by Jack and Amber, who became our biggest cheerleaders, allies, confidants and teachers throughout the trip. They were our excursion leaders and are full time missionaries in Zambia, Jack's home country.
   As we all pilled out of the airport, deliriously happy and exhausted, we were met with our new mode of transportation, an ex- German military truck. We piled in and began the bumpy journey to Overland Missions Base on Rapid 14 of Victoria Falls. 
   Once we got to base we were met by a group of joyful and friendly people, each eager to share their lives with us. We unpacked the truck and took a look at our temporary home. The view is INCREDIBLE!! Situated on the gorge of rapid 144 of Victoria Falls, the base is home to a full time missionary team and their families, as well as expedition members like ourselves and AMTs or Advanced Missionaries in Training.  We spent the evening unpacking and setting up camp, as well as eating a glorious dinner and worshipping late into the night with the other groups of people that were around. 
    The next day we all headed to town to pick out shatangays ( the skirts we were asked to wear when we went into the bush, and our new favorite accessory). It was fun to look at the locals surprised faces when they realized that I wasn't Zambian (something people still are surprised 3 weeks later). After that we all headed into town for a fast food meal of pizza and milkshakes and then it was back to the camp to clean out kitchen kits and do maintenance on the truck.  We packed the truck up tight and I went with Amber an a few other girls to bake cookies and muffins for our trip.
   The next morning we woke up and had breakfast with everyone at overland missions. Morning worship followed and over 50 people met in the loft of the main house to sing and pray. During the worship time the pastor of overland prayed fervently over everyone there and asked if anyone felt they had received a call for missions. In that moment I knew he was speaking to me. I hadn't Eeven left base yet or experienced the excursion before The Lord started revealing to me that my purpose and call involved Africa and missions. Without hesitation I raised my hand and went forward with others who were receiving similar calls from the Holy Spirit. 
    A team of leaders came forward and were asked to pray over each of us and to speak a prophetic word over us if The Lord revealed it to them. The room erupted in prayer, different voices mingling together, different people all receiving different callings from the same incredible God. I had two people pray over me and each spoke prophetic words over my life, which didn't surprise me per se, but were things I wouldn't have thought The Lord was trying to speak over me. Tears were shed by most everyone and then our team said our goodbyes and packed into the truck and Landrover for our 8 hour drive into the bush of Zambia.

I will Lleave you on that note and will hopefully be able to share a story from the bush tomorrow :) love you so much and thank you so much for your support an prayers!!!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Father: I forgot I left this as a draft...whoops

            It’s been a year, a full year living out in AZ, and I am still here. I didn’t think I would be here on October 1, 2012. I had every intention to be back in my beloved CO. I imagined this fall that I would be wrapped in blankets, wearing scarves and watching leaves turn to hues of red, gold and orange. Instead, I am sitting in a coffee shop looking out at green leaves and a blue sky, drinking an ice tea latte because its 100 degrees….100 degrees on October 1st.
            It’s funny how God places us exactly where we didn’t intend to be, exactly the opposite of where we wanted to be. And yet, I have had the chance to look back on this entire year and realize just how beautifully woven God is in all of this. I have had my mind stretched, my body exhausted, my patience tested, my hopes flattened, my beliefs tested, my heart pursued and broken and my wallet emptied. However, the more I live, the more I continue to explore this desert and the people in it, I have never been more convinced of one thing…God is in absolute control. It sounds so simple, so Christian 101… and yet I think I forget that one sentence probably every single day. But God is so sweet, so patient, so gentle and such a daddy.
            Coming out of a relationship and out of a church home, I have had the opportunity to fall more in love with my Father, our Father, than ever before. While I was dating Jay the one thing I wanted out of the entire relationship, whether we pursued the road of marriage or ended it, was to become closer to the Lord than I was before. You see, in all of my past relationships, I set God on the back burner, I never was in constant communication with Him, I didn’t pray over or with my partner and I never allowed that person to truly see me living for God. With Jay it was different. I prayed, we prayed, I let him in on what I believed and he let me in on what he believed, and ultimately I decided that we believed different things and that a life together probably wasn’t to be, but that led me further into my relationship with my Lord. I got curious, I allowed myself to really ask questions about what the Bible says and I started reading the Bible daily not to check off of a list, but to understand the Old and the New Testament, together. How they work together, how we came to be, what God asks of us and what Jesus did for us.
            Although I am only in Exodus and Luke thus far, I am so amazed with our Father. Along those lines, I recently decided to leave the church that I had attended for almost a year out here. This was not an easy decision and one that I prayed and sought counsel for, but ultimately decided that the road the church was going down and the road I wanted to be on were not the same road. I still deeply desired to be in a church family and under the wisdom of a pastor. I needed to understand though what is the church, what is the purpose, what did Christ want us to do in and with the church. I can’t say that I have found a new church home quite yet, but I have been attending a church that I am beginning to like. More importantly though have been listening to a pastor online and I honestly am learning SO MUCH! So much. If his church was here, I would be in it. Not because of the man behind the pulpit, or the catchy sermon titles or anything like that, but because when I am listening to his sermons, it’s like listening to all of my questions answered through scripture. I see God, and I see how much he is woven in the everyday. I see how much I desire to be a student of the Lord, and how much I want my heart and my actions to align with what God has called me to be.
            Today I was listening to the beginning of a sermon about prayer, and of course it was on the Lord’s Prayer, but in the 22 minute commute to work while I was listening to it, he talked about two words. Two words have been playing over and over in my heart and two words that have made me so grateful that I have been saved by grace by God. Two Words: OUR FATHER. Father. God is our Father. Does that blow you away? Really sit and listen to those words. Jesus approaches God like I would approach my dad. Our Father, now if you didn’t have a father in your life that loved you as God intended fathers to do, don’t tune out just yet. Instead of thinking of the man your father wasn’t, think of the Father God is. The pastor spoke about learning to pray, and said that instead of looking to those who are religious to teach you how to pray, look to a child that has a good relationship with their earthly Father. Why? Because God is our Father, and when we understand that we understand how to pray. It doesn’t have to be a mantra we repeat over and over, and we don’t have to be facing in one certain direction, or wearing a certain outfit, we just have to approach him like we would approach our dad…respectfully, humbly and honestly believing that he loves us and will do what’s best for us. Now I won’t take credit for this or even go any farther into the sermon, but you should listen to it…. 
My whole point in bringing this up is because in one year my daddy has taken me through a million different changes. I’ve cried, laughed, learned, loved, argued and grown and I am so thankful that I have a daddy that I can talk to at any moment who not only hears me, but loves to hear me, loves to pursue me and loves to be in relationship with me.
I love loving him, I love watching him work in and around me, I love getting to talk to others about how much he loves us and how real he is. You see, when I moved out here I thought….ok God, I will leave CO and I will do another year of school, but can you please bring me someone to fall in love with to make it worth my while.
And he totally did. 
He brought me closer to him. 


               Looking back at my blog, I just realized that it’s been almost a year since I updated this. And that’s funny because if you would have told me a year ago that I would be where I am today, I would probably have cried and covered my ears to block it out. Truth is, our God is Sovereign and His ways are not our ways, and his plans are not our plans. “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9

                So where am I now?  Well I am still in Arizona, Scottsdale to be exact, and I am ok with it. Surprised? I am. This past year has been so full of growth and redirection that it has taken me awhile to really come to terms with everything, and even see how God is weaving it all together. I am not sure why I am supposed to stay in Arizona, but I do know that God gave me peace about the decision and staying here has actually been pretty easy. I miss Colorado, and I miss my family, but I also know that I am here for a reason. There are so many needs in Arizona, and where I once was hoping I could just sit back and learn and then return home and do my own thing, I now see that I am supposed to somehow enter into this new place and use the gifts God has graciously given me for His will here. Right now that means working at Scottsdale Learning Center in the 1 ½ year olds room and trying to be the best teacher I can be for these little souls. I don’t know if this is my “career” but I know that I have been crazy blessed to be in this situation and I will stay there until God tells me it’s time to move on to whatever He has planned next.

                Along with working at the learning center, I am now actively part of Scottsdale Bible Church (SBC), again, not sure if this is my church “home”, but this is where God has me for now and I will obey Him and stay tell He tells me to move. Being a part of SBC has reopened the door for me to return to Africa. As of June 9, 2013, I will be on my way to Zambia with a group of about 20 other young adults to share the gospel with a village of around 2000 people in the bush areas of Africa. This process has been so different from my trip to Kenya. I have learned so much about the Lord and about the power he has bestowed on me through the Holy Spirit. A big part of the trip is focusing on healing people and casting out demons. This is such a new field for me. I mean, I completely believe that God is able to heal and raise people from the dead, but I never really thought that I had the power within me to do the same in Jesus’ name. Listening to the testimonies from those who went on the trip last year is breathtaking. They share stories detailing the Holy Spirit working through them to heal people who couldn’t walk, and couldn’t talk. They give detailed accounts of casting demons out of women and men, and coming face to face with these demons and commanding them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. Even now, we just received an update from the long term missionaries in Zambia that a woman was brought back to life a few weeks ago after a disciple prayed over her for an hour and called her by name to stand up. Are you finding yourself doubting any of this? I did. I thought there was no way this was true and there is no way that I could possibly do the same. And then the Holy Spirit smacked me in the head and told me to read Acts. Seriously, if you find yourself doubting any of this, read Acts. I had to ask myself, if I really believe that Jesus is who he says he is, and if he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, why don’t I believe that a lame man could walk, a mute man could talk and a dead woman could be brought to life in the name of Jesus Christ 2000 years after he walked the earth? It’s because I have never seen it happen. I mean I have heard of healings, but never have I seen them with my own eyes. But isn’t that what faith is? “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 Just because I haven’t seen any of this happen before doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. And I am eagerly awaiting the chance to get to Zambia and really just watch God work, on His own, through His children, and through me.

                In preparation for the trip my group took part with all of the other missionary teams at SBC in commissioning. I had no idea what I was in for, and truthfully was kind of mad that I had to give up a whole Sunday to be at all of the church services to be commissioned. Now looking back at it, I am really glad that SBC commissions it missionary teams. It’s not only Biblical, but it also brings the whole church body together to pray for a common goal and to see the faces of those that will be over in the battlefield. So, what is commissioning? Luke 4:18-19, Matthew 10:7-8, Matthew 28-19-20, Acts 26: 16-18 are all examples of commissioning in the Bible. Some are about Jesus, one is about Jesus’ commission to his believers and the other is Paul’s commission. Basically, commissioning is accepting a call to share the gospel to non believers and then making that a public commitment. So, in SBC ‘s case, all of the missionaries for this summer and fall spread out around the congregation for each of the 5 church services. We wore blue shirts and as the pastor began to share the church’s heart for missions and what areas they are working in already, as well as where they hope to start work, we began to stand up. The congregation was asked to move closer to “the blue shirt believers” and place their hands on us to pray for our trip. They were asked to pray audibly, and then the pastor closed us in a prayer and we went to the stage to stand and receive the call of going out and making disciples of all nations. The feeling you get when a complete stranger speaks a prayer over you and your life, as well as God’s work in you is humbling. I remember the first lady that prayed over me, and I kept thinking, God I am so unworthy of your love and mercy. I can’t explain why, and maybe you know what I am saying if someone has ever offered to pray for you and you know that you probably won’t see them again or get to share what happened, but just the fact that they would place your name on their lips and your prayer needs on their heart is humbling. It’s also crazy to hear so many people praying over each other at one time. SBC is a fairly large church with easily 1,000 people per service, so imagine people just coming together in the name of Jesus to pray over a few of us that are being called to serve overseas. One heart, one church, one mind. This is what the believers in the early church experienced and it was POWERFUL. (Acts 2:44).

                I left the church that day exhausted and yet refreshed.  This is what life is about. It’s not about the money, success, heck not even about our basic survival. It’s about coming together as ONE BODY to share the gospel of our amazing Lord with those who don’t know it. It’s the deep desire for each person to have a chance to receive salvation and reconciliation with the one true God. It’s the longing for heaven and communion forever with our Lord, knowing that we have done exactly what God called us to do. I am so excited to see what it is that God has in store for each of his children. I am excited to see how much I don’t know yet about the true power of our God. Thank you for partnering with me on this journey. Thank you for taking the time to read this, thank you for keeping me in your prayers. My hope is to be able to update this periodically while I am in Zambia, but if not I will write what I can when I get back. My prayers to you and for you, may you come to know the one true God, and live a life full of joy in the Spirit and life in the body.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

                Even though I doubted the Lord still surprised me, still captured my heart and still chose to speak to me in the midst of all that I think is a struggle in my life. He has chosen to open my eyes once again.

                We began our trip with going to Iglesia En Calle (Church on the Street) in Phoenix. It is a program that serves to minster to people living on the streets. This could mean gang members, prostitutes, pimps, and the homeless. Pastora Theresa and Pastor Ramon have dedicated their lives to specifically help men leaving the prison system and children living in poverty both in Phoenix, Arizona and Los Nogales, Mexico. They spend Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of every week driving down to Los Nogales to their home and ministry. In Nogales the run another program called N.AN.A (which translated from Spanish stands for “children helping children give”. The rest of the week they are in Phoenix working with the men in their program for Iglesia En Calle.

                We spent about 3 hours packing and loading up donations consisting of clothes, food, and other donations.  Then we began the 4.5 hour drive to Nogales. As we drove it just fell into a natural rhythm of sharing and being. It didn’t hit that we were going to a 3rd world country or going to have to arrive in a place of such need. As we came closer and closer to the border tensions became higher and a prayer was sent up to get a “green” (to be able to go over without having to be stopped or searched). God as always proved faithful and we were allowed to cross this time without any issues.

                Nogales, Mexico is much like Kikuyu, Nairobi. Lands and faces look very similar when they are clothed in poverty.  Shanties, red dirt, trash, wondering people and yes, beauty, are the wardrobe of the poor. We arrived at N.A.N.A. Rescue and unloaded the stacks upon stacks of donations. The van was filled to the top and yet within minutes, men began piling out of the rescue and introduced themselves to us while grabbing a box or bag. In a matter of 4.5 hours I went from the wealth and materialism of the U.S., to the poverty and hunger of the 3rd world. Once boxes were unloaded and pleasantries were made, we all headed down to the quarters where Tom, our chef, had already been busy preparing a traditional Mexican dinner.    

                After dinner, again men that had been taken off the streets and welcomed in to the program began to pile into the room. These men once tattooed and scarred with signs of danger, hate and fear, were now humbled and gathered in a small room to sing praise and worship to our King. True to the Mexican culture, three of the men appeared with guitars and the evening was filled with praise, worship, testimonies, and reading the Word. 

                Again I was humbled; humbled to be surrounded by people who welcomed us with open arms, and allowed us to become servants among them. Humbled that we were all called and preordained to be in this small, dimly lit room sharing our stories and Jesus amongst each other and the people of the world.  We all were called, regardless of our backgrounds as students, prisoners, gang members, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, Americans, Mexicans, we were all called to be on the same mission to feed the hungry, clothed the poor, visit the imprisoned, shelter the homeless and love the forgotten ones.  This is exactly what we were called to do, this is the great commission, this is what my heart has been hungry to do all year… and by the grace of God, he has allowed me to do it once more.

                        Our day began at 4:30 am. We were awakened by both the men upstairs, who live and work on the property, as well as the roosters outside the window. Waking early for praise and worship again, I was brought to my knees in the presence of the Lord, even though everything was conducted in Spanish. The same feeling that I had of chills going up my spin of hearing people of another nation sing to the same God washed over me. How great is our God? How amazing is it that he spans over every nation, color, creed, race and language? To be reminded that this world is bigger than just our tiny view point and that we are a part of more than just Arizona, Colorado or the U.S.A never ceases to take my breath away. We are children of the Lord, children of the world. Brothers and sisters, sons and daughters with all of those in the world.

                It’s so ignorant how much we fear each other, the stigmas we place on other countries. Warnings of violence, fear of the other, fear of discomfort… such a ploy of Satan to keep us separated from each other and from God. We dare to forget that God created each and every one of us, from lost and homeless, to prisoner and slave, to wealthy and educated. We forget that He loves us ALL. He came to save ALL who are lost. The only difference between me and the woman, man or child sitting across from me is a choice to either follow or run from obeying the commands of Christ.

                After praise and worship we drove through town to pick up the children of the dump. They typically are called the “forgotten ones” or “children of the dump.” They range in age from newborn to about 17 years old. As we drive through the town in a white beat up van, missing seatbelts, and seats, they driver honks to alert the children. Some children run to the van, others take a little more convincing, and still some we have to go up and invite them to come with us. I am blown away by the amount of trust these kids have in people they barely know, and yet I understand that they know that their only hope for survival rests in trusting these strange people.  They flock into our arms and do not think twice about playing with our hair, taking pictures or laughing at our lack of Spanish. As we ride into the place now deemed “Zona de Fe (Zone of Faith),” excitement builds and the kids sitting on me and Mia’s laps began to stand and peer out the windows of the van. Tables are lined up in the dirt and chairs are being moved into the small, wood building that doubles as the room for Sunday school, as well as the food preparation and dining rooms. These small children with their faces pressed up against the windows of the dusty van know that their needs will soon be filled at least for a moment and hope fills the van. As I look at each child, I can’t begin to understand their hunger, they feeling of not being full, and yet in their eyes is still joy, trust, hope, faith, love. They haven’t given up.

                The kids pile out of the van only to be met with more hungry children, some carrying younger siblings, others holding the hands of friends, brothers and sisters. They entered the room and took their spots awaiting praise and worship to be led by the Pastora. I am given sweet Vanessa ( 4 months old) to hold and immediately my heart turns to mush. She thank goodness looks very healthy, well fed and well loved. She is clean, in clothing that fits, is with her mother and has healthy muscle tone, bright eyes, is alert and attentive. She holds her head up to look at those singing around her, grasps my finger and tries to pull it into her mouth to satisfy her sucking need. Praise God, she is one of the lucky ones. Not all of the children we meet on this trip are as lucky, and I soon learn that Vanessa’s story in this culture is not the norm.

                I scan the room, looking at the conditions of the other children. Most are covered in dirt, wearing clothing that is not appropriate for Mexico’s heat, or clothing that doesn’t fit. Their hair is string and dirty, their faces streaked with dirt and sweat.  And yet in the midst of all of this there is beauty. Children of all ages take part in the Sunday school lesson that is led by one of the men in the discipleship program. They hang on his every word and are eager for him to pick up his guitar and lead them in “Father Abraham” or some other worship song. One child, Sara, is chosen to stand and recite the verses that the class had been learning over the period of the year. One after another, Sara recited verse after verse. Three minutes and 35 verse later, Sara completed her task and received a prize. A Veggie Tales castle that had been donated became her prized position. Mia and I are asked to come to the front and share with the children. I hand off Vanessa who has been happily sucking on my fingers. We teach the kids the stories of Zaccheus and David and Goliath and sing “Your Love is Deep.”  They join in on the hand motions and try to sing with us. We are received with clapping and then pray over breakfast. As quick as the children were sitting in the chairs listening to the Pastors speak, they are now moving chairs outside to be around the tables and setting up chairs inside the small room. The transformation takes 5 minutes and then children are at the tables being handed bowls of cereal mixed with oatmeal. For some of these kids, the only peals they will get today are the ones provided by the Pastora and the ministry.

                I am given the task of handing out vitamins and passing out bowls of cereal. The children quickly empty their bowls and line up with Tupperware to take food back to other family members that are still starving.  The harsh reality of the responsibility that these children have of going out not only to learn more about the gospel but to support their family by bringing what food they can home is almost too much for me to bear. I struggle to watch Juan, David, Natalie and Sara gathered cereal in bowls. And then, just as quickly as the heaviness begins to fill my heart, it is pushed out as the children begin to laugh and chase each other. Their playground consists of piles of rocks, old construction materials, dirt and trash; things that most American parent would shoo their children away from and cover them in hand sanitizer for being so close to such filth. My mind catches and I remember working at Educare. I remember the sterile rooms, the emphasis on cleaning with 66 and 67 solution and a playground made up of fancy materials and turf. The reality that only 4.5 hours separate these two worlds slams into my heart. As tears begin to form in the corner of my eyes, a small child pulls on my hand and brings me into a game of spinning around and falling down and all I have time to do is laugh and pull myself back up to begin again.

                After breakfast, the vans are loaded up again and we drop the kids off to go back to searching through trash for things they need before school starts. Mia and I are taken to the women’s and juvenile prisons. Mia and I share the gospel with both groups and what strikes me the most is that none of these people look like felons.  I have a hard time staring at Claudia, or Brian, or Rosa and believing they were caught in something worthy of this sentence. But even more I see that the only thing that separates me from them is a choice between living for the world and living for Christ. It’s who we choose to worship. Who we choose to obey. One boy in the detention center tells us that he has just become a new father and my heart breaks not only for him, but his new little girl as well. Not only a week old, and this baby is already accumulating multiple risk factors. She is born into poverty, probably to a young mom and her father is in prison. She already has multiple pieces of adversity coming her way and I know that she will get caught in the cycle of poverty unless something changes.

                These few days have been filled with so much. I have had the opportunity to watch men who were once caught up in drugs, and gangs, now working in the hot Mexico sun serving those around them. The tattoos and scares of their pasts fade into their skin and smile and laugh lines become apparent. They spend their days spreading the gospel to others who are just as lost as they once were. Men who were hardened by the world turn to mush when a small child runs up to them with their arms lifted high wanting to be held by these men that were once so feared in their community. I am thrown head first into the power of forgiveness, salvation, hope and new lives.

                More happened in those few days then I can possibly put into words, but 3 stories continue to pull at my heart and leave me evoked about how we can do more. I believe these three stories are going to be the stories that fuel my heart to continue working with Iglesia de Calle and N.A.N.A. Rescue.

1.       After the evening service at Zona de Fe Tuesday night, someone came up to the Pastora and told us that a young mother with a 2 month old son was struggling. She didn’t have any food or milk and people in the community had been encouraging her to feed her young son Kool-Aid to curb his hunger. Immediately all of our hearts fell. Kool-Aid doesn’t have any nutritional value at all. This child was basically starving and even more so, the mom thought she was doing the best she could. As soon as we got back to our quarters we began searching our rooms for anything that we could give the young mother. Early in the week we had received donations of baby food and formula, but we had already given all of those away. We began looking under beds and in corners hoping that one can of formula rolled under the bed or behind a cabinet. Just one can was all we needed for now and we couldn’t find anything. At that moment we all stopped and let out a prayer, asking God to just show us his provision, show us something we can do to help this mom and her baby. We continued to look and came up with nothing. As we began to head upstairs, disappointment etched on our faces, the driver, Thomas, came down the stairs and asked us what was taking us so long. We explained that we were looking for formula to give to the mom. He told us he found a can upstairs that said Simlac with a bear on it. “Would that help?” he asked. Relief washed over us as well as the sheer humor that he had no idea what he had just found for us. We loaded the van up with a jug of clean water, the formula and a gallon of milk for the mom. We also made a food basket for her, not knowing if there were other kids in the home.

        Thomas took the deliveries and drove up the hill to find the woman we were told about.  When he returned back to us he showed us pictures of the home and the mother, as well as the new baby, Jesus. There were five kids crowded around a mom that looked no older than 19 years old. We weren’t sure if they were all living in the home, if they were siblings or just neighborhood kids but they were definitely in need. The baby didn’t look like he was to the point of being in danger, but he also didn’t have that gleam in his eye or look of life. We traveled to the home the next day and both mom and baby were gone. I was relieved that we had gotten them food, but the worry of what happens next week, or next month clouds my heart and I have that feeling of, “ We have to do something more.”

2.       During one of our morning services the Pastora asked me to help her with a project she had started. She handed me a suitcase full of small 4x6 photos of the children that come faithfully to the Zona de Fe. As I went through the pictures and began handing the photos out one mom came and sat next to me. She looked at each photo and helped me handed them out to the correct child.  And then as I uncovered a photo of a small little girl with plump cheeks and bright eyes she rested her hand on the frame and then slowly pulled it up to eye level. She didn’t say a word but took the frame and walked away. After I finished handing out the rest of the photos I found the Pastora and asked her about the photo. The story she told surprised me and then angered me. 

        Apparently about two months ago, the woman who was helping me look through the frames took her daughter to the doctor. The little girl (almost 2 years old) was very ill and the mother had no idea what to do. The doctor gave the little girl medication but gave her so much that the little girl had 4 heart attacks that killed her. The photo that the woman took with her was the last picture that she had taken of her daughter. I can’t begin to imagine the sense of betrayal and mistrust this mother must feel. I can’t imagine taking my child in for help from someone who is supposed to know how to heal and yet contributed to taking her life.

3.       This story is not as sad, this story has a lot of hope, this story has a lot of potential. On our final day in Nogales as we were preparing for the drive back home, we made a stop to pick up a young girl that the Pastora had been told about.  We pulled up onto the top of a hill and waited for the girl to come home. Her mother rushed to the van and began talking to the Pastora. Her face filled with joy and gratitude that we would be taking her daughter to a better place. About 20 minutes later Lilly appeared. A very pregnant 17 year old girl with a head full of curls, a face full of anxiousness and a belly protruding under her American Eagle shirt.  

        At 7 months pregnant, Lilly has never received prenatal care. She was born in the United States and then shortly after her parents took her to Nogales, Mexico. Because she is an American citizen she was refused treatment in Nogales and couldn’t afford to continuously cross the border to receive medical care in Nogales, Arizona. Her mother found the Pastora’s business card on the street left over from when one of the men were ministering on the street and took the chance to call the Pastora and ask for help. Of course Pastora agreed and the plan was set to take Lilly back with us and give her a home with Sophia’s House in Phoenix. The program gives free room, board and medical care to young pregnant girls, as well as helps them learn about the Lord.

        Lilly ran inside the house and grabbed a small duffle bag as well as a green envelope filled with the precious documents that would allow her safe passage into the United States again. After a tearful goodbye with her mom whispering encouragement and prayers into her ear, Lilly began the long journey of not only crossing the border, but also the journey of becoming a mom and placing the needs of her child above the fear, and wants of herself.  I can’t imagine her fear and yet she sat in our van with a face of dignity, with a face of peace. For the first half of the drive she sat quietly in the van and then slowly we began to talk to her in broken Spanish with the Pastora translating when needed. She told us that the baby was moving a lot and that she had already picked out a name. She asked very few questions about where we were going and what was to be expected. At times a tear would trickle down her face and she would seek solace in one of our arms. The Pastora whispered to her that this decision was going to give her baby so many choices and opportunities. By coming to the U.S. she was going to receive care and her baby would be born a citizen of the U.S. which would help her out for the rest of her life. She also told Lilly that by taking this step of faith she was going to be able to go back home and be able to help other girls in similar situations.

        When we arrived at the Dream Center and what would be Lilly’s new home, Mia and I offered to stay and help her settle in. She happily agreed and we began to take a tour of the old hotel that had been transformed into a safe haven for those in need. Lilly took in the sites and listen to all that was being told to her. As we got on the elevator Lilly still stood silent rubbing her belly and looking out the window. We showed her where the rooms where she would be living and then headed back downstairs. As we loaded back onto the elevator we tried to talk to Lilly, but as soon as the elevator dropped Lilly’s face followed and she turned instinctively into Pastora’s arms for comfort. The visage of a girl of strength broke and the vulnerable little girl missing her mother was exposed. I gave her my hands and she squeezed them tightly as the elevator continued to drop. Once we reached the ground I understood just how much more Lilly was going to need. Yes, she was now safe and yes her baby was going to have the medical care that it needed, but she was missing the support. We learned how valuable support is for a teenage mother last semester. We learned that a teen mother benefits greatly from having the support of her own mother during this time, but Lilly will not have that right now. She will not see her mother’s face in the delivery room as she transforms into a mother. She will not have her mother’s support the first time she tries to breast feed, or figure out how to soothe her new child. And this is where Mia, the Pastora, Sophia’s house and I come into play. This is when we need to step up and become Lilly’s support system.

                        This opportunity to volunteer and to make a small difference in the lives of one person blows me away. I can’t express how much each one of these people I met need our help. We have so much in this country, we have so much that we don’t need, we have so much that we can give. So I am asking you to step out and partner with myself and with Iglesia en Calle. Right now there are a couple of options:

1.       Buy 1 Give: This is pretty easy and a cool thought I think…. Whenever you go to the store and are doing your normal shopping look out for buy 1 get 1 sales, or other sales that encourage us to buy more than we might need such as 10/$10.00 etc. Then donate the free item or half of the items you buy…so 5 of the 10 that you got for $10. I am always amazed at how much I throw away when I buy things from sales. Here is your chance to give these much needed items away and still get the sale deal without wasting anything.

2.       Just donating whatever you can… you can mail donations to me. E-mail me when you have your donations together and I will give you an address to mail them to, either myself or Iglesia de Calle…we will make sure your donations get to either Nogales or used in Phoenix.

3.       Above all else prayer is huge….just like in finding the can of formula, God shows his provisions every day… I am asking that you join with me and continue to lift the people up of Nogales, Mexico…

Donations needed ASAP:

·         Children’s clothing

·         Children’s underwear

·         Men’s hats and bandanas for working outside

·         Vitamins

·         Prenatal vitamins

·         Non-perishable food items

·         Diapers both cloth and disposable

·         Feminine hygiene products

·         Bras

·         Bottles

·         Formula

·         Toys

·         Devotionals and Bibles in Spanish

******This is just a basic list. There are many more needs…please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like more suggestions.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

His love is better than life

For God so loved the world….


Just that sentence encompasses so much. A few weeks ago I was with a friend who made a comment that broke my heart. “I am scared to go to church. What if it burns down when I walk in because I am a __________________________?” Now you fill in the blank… it can be whatever.

 …..because I am a addict.

…because I am a liar

… because I am a thief

…. because I am a Jew

…because I am gay….



At first that fear sounds silly. But it’s a legit fear. How many of us have felt, or feel, unworthy of the kingdom? Feel like we are not good enough, not pretty enough, not perfect enough? Well the harsh reality is…you’re right. We aren’t good enough, pretty enough, perfect enough. We fall short daily of being worthy of the kingdom. Romans 3:23 says, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…”

This is Easter weekend and the reality is that “God so loved the world that he gave his only son” for all of us, every single one of us!

   In the book When God Weeps, Steven Estes and Joni Eareckson word the story like this…

 “The face that Moses had begged to see- was forbidden to see-was slapped bloody (Exodus 33:19-20). The thorns that God had sent to curse the earth’s rebellion now twisted around his own brow…

            “On your back with you!” One raises a mallet to sink in the spike. But the soldier’s heart must continue pumping as he readies the prisoner’s wrist. Someone must sustain the soldier’s life minute by minute, for no man has this power on his own. Who supplies breath to his lungs? Who gives energy to his cells? Who holds his molecules together? Only by the Son do “all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). The victim wills that the soldier live on-he grants the warriors continued existence. The man swings.

            As the man swings, the Son recalls how he and the Father first designed themedial nerve of the human forearm- the sensations it would be capable of. The design proves flawless-the nerves perform exquisitely. “Up you go!” They lift the cross. God is on display in his underwear and can scarcely breathe.

            But these pains are a mere warm-up to his other and growing dread. He begins to feel a foreign sensation. Somewhere during this day an unearthly foul odor began to waft, not around his nose, but his heart. He feels dirty. Human wickedness starts to crawl upon his spotless being- the living excrement from our souls. The apple of his Father’s eye turns brown with rot.

            His Father! He must face his Father like this!

            From heaven the Father now rouses himself like a lion disturbed, shakes his mane, and roars against the shriveling remnant of a man hanging on a cross. Never has the Son seen the Father look at him so, never felt even the least of his hot breath. But the roar shakes the unseen world and darkens the visible sky. The Son does not recognize these eyes.

            “Son of Man! Why have you behaved so? You have cheated, lusted, stolen, gossiped-murdered, envied hated, lied. You have cursed, robbed over spent, overeaten-fornicated, disobeyed, embezzled and blasphemed. Oh, the duties you have shirked, the children you have abandoned! Who has ever so ignored the poor, so played the coward, so belittled my name? Have you ever held you razor tongue? What a self-righteous, pitiful drunk- you who molest young boys, peddle killer drugs, travel in cliques, and mock your parents. Who gave you the boldness to rig elections, foment revolutions, torture animals, and worship demons? Does the list never end! Splitting families, raping virgins, acting smugly, playing the pimp-buying politicians, practicing exhortation, filming pornography, accepting bribes. You have burned down buildings, perfected terrorist tactics, founded false religions, traded in slaves-relishing each morsel and bragging about it all. I hate, loathe these things in you! Disgust for everything about you consumes me! Can you not feel my wrath?”

            Of course the Son is innocent. He is blamelessness itself. The Father knows this. But the divine pair have an agreement, and the unthinkable must now take place. Jesus will be treated as if personally responsible for every sin ever committed.

            The Father watches as his heart’s treasure, the mirror image of himself, sinks drowning into raw, liquid sin. Jehovah’s stored rage against humankind from every century explodes in a single direction.

            “Father! Father! Why have you forsaken me?!”

            But heaven stops its ears. The Son stares up at the One who cannot, who will not, reach down or reply.

            The Trinity had planned it. The Son endured it. The Spirit enabled him. The Father rejected the Son whom he loved. Jesus, the God-man from Nazareth, perished. The Father accepted his sacrifice for sin and was satisfied. The Rescue was accomplished.”

Look how much the Father loves us… it literally is not fathomable. I cannot get over the fact that, “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

                So this Easter season, and throughout the years, remember that ….you are loved, so loved that God humbled himself, came to Earth and suffered and died…but don’t leave Jesus on the cross because the Great news is that he conquered death! He rose from the gates of hell and entered into the kingdom of Heaven. He has made it possible for each of us to do the same thing… if only we choose to believe in him. Happy Easter!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son. Whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Running and The Man That Wasn't There

So as my mother informed me after reading my last post, "Wow, talk about depressing." So this blog is all about GOD.... and how can you be depressed about that? Ummm.... You can't!
      Lately my dog has been pretty mad at me... It all stems from me leaving him for two weeks to go to Colorado and St. Thomas, and then I have been working over 30 hours and school for 8 hours a week. He is feeling neglected. Yesterday I had some free time so I thought I would treat him to go play at the dog park...except I got super lazy and didn't want to drive to the dog park. Instead I decided I would take him on a run...which he LOVES to do. As many of you know, running is not my favorite thing in the world...understatment....I actually despise running unless there is a fire, eathquake, get the point...but on rare occasions, mostly when I am incredibly stressed or upset, I go for a run.
     This month has been loaded with challenges and stress and I reached the point where it was time for a run. I got Ditto ready and we went for a run....when I say run I mean like 15 minutes of alternating running and walking...don't go picturing me doing like a crazy hour run and loving it the whole time. No, running, even in the act of actually running, doesn't have any real appeal to me.
   Anyway, I am running through the neighborhood and get to a point where Ditto is tired...ok, if I am being honest, I am tired... and we start to head back to my apartment. We are about 500 feet away from my apartment and I break into this crazy sprint...Ditto loves sprinting and so do I. It's the point in the run where I am not focusing on breathing or proper running technique, we are just running as fast as we can....and I break into this crazy when PPheobe runs through the park and Rachel quotes, "She is like a cross between the 6 million dollar man and kermit the frog." I hope I don't look like that lol, but I really didn't care in the moment, for one brief moment I am just running to run...

That brings us to today... My church has these small groups called T2 groups (training trainers). They are groups that focus on stories in the Bible in which Jesus relates to man kind, so the woman at the well, Zaccheus, etc. After we break the story apart and pull out meanings and messages, we practice retelling the stories and learning how to minister through them. Such a cool experience....I am in a group and the big push has been to just get to know the people around you, share stories with them, and share the gospel. The main thing is that God reveals these people to us because they are desperately asking and seeking out God. We aren't trying to push anything on anyone, just meeting people where they are at and asking them if they want to hear a story about Jesus...and that's it...we let them and God lead the rest of the conversation.
    So, a lot of people around me have been putting this into practice, they have met people at grocery stores, by dumpsters, in apartment complexes, all over God has been working incredible works and people are coming to him daily. However, this has been a little bit of a struggle for me. There is one person that has been on myu heart constantly but I am at a loss as to how to reach them without them getting defensive.
   As I am driving to get coffee before church there is a man on the side of the curb just sitting and looking so hopeless. He had tattered clothing, a shoping cart full of random items and was staring blankly out at the parking lot. I heard the whisper and said, "ok God." I parked my car and met up with my friend Emily.I told her about the man. I told her I had a gift card to Whole Foods I had just found and wanted to buy the man breakfast and share hope with him. She happily agreed and we headed next door to shop for him.
   We put together a bag of apples and muffins and granola bars and went back to where the man was sitting earlier. I was so excited just to give him something, just to share with him the GOOD NEWS... and when we turned the corner he wasn't there...we looked around the parking lot, behind a couple buildings, but couldn't find a trace of the man. My heart sank, I just wanted to share the goodies with him and he was gone...and then I realized that above everything else, I finally obeyed...I don't know where the man is but I know that God is providing for both him and me...and I still have his bag of goodies in my car, just in case he shows up.

    I continued on to church and was surrounded by the Holy Spirit. There are times in a Believer's life when God just speaks so passionately to you, whether in church or on a mountain, or in a grocery store, all of a sudden you are overwhelmed by how much God loves much he cares and how much he wants to give you EVERYTHING....that was today at church, during communion we start to sing "Oh How He Loves Us" and everyone is captured by the truth of the song, there's tears and praying and this amazing sense of peace throughout the entire body singing to one God. And then the next song comes on and the chorus tied everything together so perfectly that all I could do was hold my hands up and bask in His love as tears ran down my face.

  I'm running to Your arms
I'm running to Your arms
The riches of Your love
Will always be enough
And nothing compares
To Your embrace
Light of the world
Forever reign
So yes, I hate running, and yes life gets hard and yes, sometimes even our best intentions don't pan out...but "Oh how HE loves us!" I cannot wait for the day when I get to meet our creator face to face and run as hard as I can straight into His arms....but for now I am going to just keeping running, day after day, with a giant goofy grin because I love a God that loves me.